Wordless Wednesday: Sparkling Blue

What is your favorite place? A place where you feel so relax and every second is just; PERFECT. Well for me it’s a beach. A beach where you could see the blue and sparkling water calling for you to swim and dive deep down in the ocean to find a whole new world full with excitement. A beach where you could simply lay down in the soft sand and feel the wind breeze beneath your hair.

Blue sparkling beach .. a small piece of heaven for me 🙂




Who could reject such beauty??? 😉




18 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday: Sparkling Blue”

  1. This pics makes me missing the beach so much 🙁

    1. me too mak.. miss them sooo much 🙁

  2. love this spot so much,someday i will go there..aarkkkk 😀

  3. Ngileeerrr liat pantainya, less word but such a gorgeous picture.

    1. Yes.. they are sooo gorgeous aren’t they?

  4. Good idea..for your wordless 😀

    1. thanks mbak Dian 😉

  5. seger, mak muna…!!!

    1. iya mak..aku aja langsung pengen nyemplung rasanya 😉

  6. pengen kliling nusantara dan dunia hahaha tp mimpi kali… hehhe

    1. ga ada yang mustahil kalo kita berusaha say..ayo semangat 🙂

  7. How far is it from Aceh to Weh island and how to reach this beach?
    Hope I could visit Aceh.
    Great beach

    1. only 45 minutes by boat from Banda Aceh to Weh Island pakdhe. so must visit Aceh someday, just call me when you plan to go there 😉

  8. Subhanallah, keren banget :D.. Pengen banget ke sana :’))

    1. ayo nabung supaya bisa segera nyampe Lombok 🙂

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